New EU Rules Target Countries with Export Surpluses

European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn has announced a proposal to monitor finances of member nations, particularly any trade imbalances, issue warnings and eventually impose fines on those with “chronic” export or import surpluses. The reason behind the strict reviews, notes journalist Christian Reiermann, is that trade imbalances threaten stability of the euro. “If their accounts remain out of balance, the European Commission will make political recommendations for their financial and economic policies, as well as for wage increases and structural reforms,” he reports. The commission will impose fines on excessive public debt and prohibit individual member nations from allowing budget growth to exceed the rate of economic growth. The new rules on fiscal responsibility would jolt euro nations into living within their means. – YaleGlobal

New EU Rules Target Countries with Export Surpluses

The European Commission wants to keep EU members' finances under closer supervision – countries that have chronic import or export surpluses, such as Germany, can expected to be fined under the new rules
Christian Reiermann
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The article is translated from the German by Paul Cohen.

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