New Friends and Old

Nations with diverse populations and interests tend to collect a variety of allies. India and the US have enjoyed closer relations in recent years, particularly since the two nations began negotiating a civil nuclear cooperation agreement. But India’s friendship with the US is hardly exclusive and the country also pursues relations with nations at odds with the US, including Iran. India and Iran are in negotiation about a pipeline that would send Iranian oil to India and Pakistan. This article in the Economist compares the strategy, goals and economics of the nuclear and pipeline deals. A statement from India’s foreign ministry rebuffed any US suggestion that India avoid Iran: “Both nations are perfectly capable of managing all aspects of their relationship with the appropriate degree of care. Neither country needs any guidance on the future conduct of bilateral relations, as both countries believe that engagement and dialogue alone lead to peace." – YaleGlobal

New Friends and Old

India wants to deal with America, and Iran
Friday, May 30, 2008

Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.

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