New U.S. Concerns on Iran’s Pursuit of Nuclear Arms

After having dealt with one of the “Axis of Evil” countries Washington is now focusing on the other two- Iran and North Korea. While North Korea’s public threat about its nuclear program has got it the world’s spotlight, the US is concerned that Iran’s quiet work on its nuclear weapon program is not receiving sufficient attention. Iran’s clandestine effort to build a large uranium enrichment facility was recently discovered during a visit to Iran by the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Enriched uranium production facility is believed to be directly related to Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The IAEA and its monitors may not be popular with the Bush Administration for their role in Iraq but Washington wants the IAEA to step up to its task and declare Iran in violation of its commitment as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.- a move that could set off a new crisis. --YaleGlobal

New U.S. Concerns on Iran's Pursuit of Nuclear Arms

Steven R. Weisman
Thursday, May 8, 2003

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