New York Times: Can the US Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?

Terrorism, populism, sectarian conflicts and greed test democracy, writes Madeleine Albright for the New York Times, and disorder and volatility contribute to support for fascism and authoritarianism. Embracing nationalism, the Trump administration applies a wrecking ball to international agreements and political norms. “Instead of mobilizing international coalitions to take on world problems, he touts the doctrine of ‘every nation for itself’ and has led America into isolated positions on trade, climate change and Middle East peace,” writes the former secretary of state. “Instead of engaging in creative diplomacy, he has insulted United States neighbors and allies, walked away from key international agreements, mocked multilateral organizations and stripped the State Department of its resources and role.” Citizens nervously wonder if the judiciary, the media and other institutions of democracy can survive the attacks or attitudes that a grip on power justifies bullying, racism, absurd reasoning, lies and disregard for human rights. Albright points out that the commander of the largest military in the world could easily trigger events that spin out of control. Every serious problem requires international cooperation, and Albright urges fellow citizens to determine what values that make a life or country great and to defend truth, support the rule of law and work tirelessly for upcoming elections. – YaleGlobal

New York Times: Can the US Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?

Fascism poses a serious threat even as all serious challenges are global in scale and the world lacks global moral leadership
Madeleine Albright
Friday, April 6, 2018

Read the article about the US and nationalism from the New York Times.

Madeleine Albright, the author of Fascism: A Warning, served as US secretary of state from 1997 to 2001.

© 2018 The New York Times Company


To be sure, Presidential power arises from electoral power. So does Monarchy, dictatorship, and authoritarianism from any angle and source.
Nations struggling to understand democracy cannot do so from any form of leadership with authoritarian discretion because discretion amounts to human whim. There is no such political system as benevolent dictatorship, or monarchy, because authority isn't electoral in nature, however benevolent it claims to be, because authority is inherently coercive and oppressive by nature.