The New York Times: North Korea Threatens Retaliation Over Sanctions, Hints at Possible Attack

The United Nations Security Council approved sanctions drafted by the United States and China against North Korea that could reduce the nation’s $3 billion in exports by $1 billion. “The resolution was a direct response to North Korea’s successful tests last month of two intercontinental ballistic missiles that for the first time demonstrated an ability to reach the United States mainland,” reports Rick Gladstone for the New York Times. “The sanctions are the toughest of the seven Security Council resolutions adopted since 2006 aimed at curbing North Korea’s nuclear militarization.” US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also said that the United States would consider resuming negotiations if North Korea discontinued missile tests and launches. Statements from North Korean officials vow the country will not give up its nuclear weapons program and threaten retaliation against the United States. Seoul is less than 200 kilometers from Pyongyang, and the distance is 800 kilometers for Beijing, 1300 for Tokyo, and 7400 for Honolulu. – YaleGlobal

The New York Times: North Korea Threatens Retaliation Over Sanctions, Hints at Possible Attack

North Korea lashes out against UN Security Council sanctions, refuses to curtail its nuclear weapons program and specifically threatens the United States
Rick Gladstone
Monday, August 7, 2017
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