No Boundaries in Fight Against Globalisation
In Mumbai, India this week, the annual meeting of the World Social Forum was full-on with speeches, music, and people blasting the ills of 'rapacious imperialism' and globalization. This report from India's Economic Times notes that a variety of ideas for reforming the capitalist world economy are being promoted at the WSF. Wolfgang Sachs said that consumerism and a drive for economic development have blinded third-world countries to what is economically possible and people everywhere to what is environmentally and socially sustainable. Walden Bello called on the dismantling of the institutions of globalization like the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization. “We don’t want the narrow efficiency of capitalism just to reduce costs; the system must also take into account social costs,” he argued. And controversial author George Monbiot was found advocating the creation of a supra-national Parliament that would fairly and democratically represent all the people of the world. Tens of thousands of people attend the WSF's annual gathering of anti-globalization and 'alternative globalization' activists. – YaleGlobal
No Boundaries in Fight Against Globalisation
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Click here for the original article on The Economic Times website.,curpg-1.cms
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