A No-Commute Culture: Irish Times

Commuting carries economic costs. Businesses of all types should try to be innovative, encouraging remote work arrangements and reducing long commutes. “Cloud computing enables any staff member to access software and data resources from anywhere, provided of course that there is a reasonable internet connection,” writes tech CEO Chris Horn for the Irish Times. “Given that many functions of a business infrastructure – email and messaging, sales management, marketing programmes, customer care, engineering planning, product design, and general office administration – can now all be provided using cloud computing, then in principle many staff can do their jobs from any location.” Offering no-commute jobs helps businesses retain talented employees and signals leadership on climate change, a priority for younger consumers. Horn anticipates consumer pressure on climate change, single-use materials and plastic packaging, and he calls on major technology companies like Facebook and Google to take the lead on no-commute jobs. – YaleGlobal

A No-Commute Culture: Irish Times

Governments, businesses should strive to reduce long commutes – technology giants have yet to embrace remote-working benefits of their own creations
Chris Horn
Friday, December 27, 2019

trafficRead the article from the Irish Times about the benefits of no-commute jobs.

Chris Horn was the co-founder, CEO, and chairman of technology middleware business IONA Technologies. He is a former member of the board of Trinity College, Dublin, where he previously lectured in computer science, and has been a non-executive director of a number of privately held software companies and business associations and advisor to a number of venture capital firms. He is a former director of Science Foundation Ireland, and a former chairman of the Irish Management Institute and  of UNICEF Ireland. Dr Horn regularly contributes to debate on Ireland’s high-tech industry, and was a member of the ICT working group at IBEC and was the founding chairman of the Ireland China Association. He currently serves on the board of Gridstore (a grid storage company), is chairman of  Sophia Search (a search company) and chairman of Science Gallery International.          

  Bilbao, Spain	1, 35 Toulouse, France	1, 44; Valencia, Spain 2, 44;  Marseille, France 2, 45; Porto, Portugal	2, 47; Barcelona,, Spain	2, 50; Lyon, France	2, 51;  Singapore 6, 84; London, UK 1, 84; DC-Baltimore, US 6, 86; Montreal, Canada 4, 87; NY City, NJ, US;	24, 87; Mexico City	21, 88; Istanbul, Turkey	15, 91; Philadelphia, US	6, 93; Birmingham, UK 4, 94; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 12, 95; Toronto, Canada 6, 96; Bogota, Colombia 10.	97           

Traffic reports:  One study examined commutes in 16 nations and ranked cities; average commute distances for the best cities ranged from 4 to 12 kilometers (Source: Focus, Expert Market)