North Africa Reluctant to Host US Command
A US delegation recently traveled to Africa in the hopes of finding a country willing to host AFRICOM, but even strong American allies in the region are unwilling make a commitment. African responsibilities and operations are now divided between US military commands based in Europe and Florida – and the Bush administration decided that Africa warrants its own command base. The US delegation reassures African governments that the Pentagon does not have war plans for the continent, and that the military command would focus on protecting the region’s oil supplies and preventing terrorism threats. Morocco, a close US ally, denied opposition-party claims that it had already offered to host AFRICOM. The reluctance stems from citizen concern about US military ventures among their citizens, with some opposition groups suggesting that the US war on terror comes at the expense of local and national law. Citizens throughout Africa expect resolution of highly visible social and economic woes before their governments take on the responsibility of hosting a US military command. – YaleGlobal
North Africa Reluctant to Host US Command
Algeria and Libya reject Pentagon's AFRICOM proposal; Morocco signals its lack of enthusiasm
Friday, June 29, 2007
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