North Korea: Not Waving. Perhaps Drowning

Nations bordering North Korea would prefer less isolation, belligerence and unpredictability. But abrupt collapse of the current regime could be equally dangerous. Any loss of control in a nation with such pronounced poverty, as detailed in this article from the Economist, could destabilize South Korea and China, analysts suggest, with refugees pouring over borders, nuclear weapons unsecured, as well as confusing military action from North Korean, South Korean, Chinese and US forces. The Economist article recommends that high-level talks continue. Even if North Korea does not participate, other concerned nations should plan for all contingencies, including the most extreme, and prepare to coordinate responses. – YaleGlobal

North Korea: Not Waving. Perhaps Drowning

North Korea, a nuclear-armed state, seems to be increasingly unstable – what can the big powers do about it?
Friday, June 4, 2010
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