Norway Looks After its Elderly – In Spain
Norway sends some of its elderly who require medical treatment to Spain. Five medical centers are run and staffed by Norwegians, many of whom are willing to take pay cuts to work in Spain. The sunny climate benefits the patients, and lower costs of living and land prices save Norway money. This trend goes beyond “health tourism,” with Norwegian doctors approving patient visits to Spain. Once approved, the patients are eligible for treatment near the Mediterranean, from six weeks to life. Patients are enthusiastic, with one saying “it’s warm, it’s delicious, it’s everything Norway isn’t.” –YaleGlobal
Norway Looks After its Elderly – In Spain
State-subsidized trips are just what the doctor orders: cheaper, warmer - and no pining for the fjords
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Click here to read the article in The Guardian.,,2111511,00.html
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