Officials Fear Iraq’s Lure for Muslims in Europe

In recent weeks, the US military has singled out the Iraqi city of Falluja as the next stage in its campaign against rebel militants. According to US forces, the city harbors many non-Iraqi militants, who are primarily responsible for the nearly daily bombings that wrack Iraq. Recent intelligence investigations have shown that an increasing number of Muslims from European countries are joining the anti-American resistance. In previous decades, disaffected European Muslims have fought in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Chechnya. Through mosques, Muslim centers, and web sites, recruiters have encouraged many second-generation immigrants to fight in Iraq. Officials are particularly concerned that, upon returning to Europe, these fighters will use their acquitted experience to plan terrorist attacks at home. – YaleGlobal.

Officials Fear Iraq's Lure for Muslims in Europe

Craig S. Smith
Saturday, October 23, 2004

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