With Olympics Approaching, US Reconsiders Sonic Blasters for China

The LRAD, or long-range acoustical device, was developed by the American Technology Corp. after the 2000 attack on the USS Cole, and is most often characterized as a “warning device.” The device is capable of emitting high-energy waves that are painfully loud when aimed at specific targets. LRAD, currently classified as a communications system, is not subject to US export-control regulations. But the US Commerce Department is reviewing this classification. This action stems in part out of fear that Chinese authorities will abuse the technology, especially during the Olympic Games, to suppress internal dissent and peaceful protests. The Commerce Department decision could set a precedent for future technologies, as new devices can quickly transform into weaponry or tools for repression. – YaleGlobal

With Olympics Approaching, US Reconsiders Sonic Blasters for China

With the Olympics fast approaching, the US is suddenly concerned about American-made products being used against human rights demonstrators – of particular concern is a sonic blaster that so far has not been considered a weapon
Daniel Pepper
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

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