One World, One Dream, One Big Human Rights Problem

China is intent on using the 2008 Olympics to display Chinese culture along with the achievement of economic growth within a political system of communism. But activists are just as intent on exposing human-rights violations. China’s organizing effort includes not only constructing elaborate structures and planning eye-catching events, but also arresting journalists and cracking down on civil liberties. Observers from Germany argue that the host nation cannot ignore the political significance of such global events and must anticipate criticism over disregard for universal human rights, ignoring violations in Tibet or Darfur. The Olympics prompt a review of global sensibilities, providing opportunity for countries to compete in sporting events as well as public image. – YaleGlobal

One World, One Dream, One Big Human Rights Problem

The Beijing 2008 Olympics are just one year off as of August 8. As the country celebrates the countdown to the Summer Games, German commentators take a critical look at the country's democratic and civil liberties deficiencies.
Daryl Lindsey
Friday, August 10, 2007

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