‘Outsourcing’ Asylum Seekers The Italian Way

Italian authorities have cracked down on illegal immigration by patrolling the waters between Italy and Libya. If immigrants were allowed to reach Italian soil, they would be entitled to apply for asylum, a lengthy process that usually results in most applicants ultimately remaining in Italy, either legally or illegally. Hence, Italy has accelerated efforts to catch the migrants mid-journey, sending them back to Libya. This system evolved thanks to a recent deal between the two countries, where, in exchange for colonial reparations from Italy, Libya promised to help stem the tide of illegal immigration. While beneficial to the two countries, such a policy usually hurts the migrants, many of whom are fleeing violence and have legitimate claims to asylum. Moreover, migrants are often ill-treated after they are returned to Libya – a country whose human rights record is checkered at best. There are reports that migrants have been killed while in Libyan custody and the Vatican and human rights groups have protested Italy’s actions. Moreover, there are accusations that Rome is trying to circumvent international agreements and denying rights to potential asylum-seekers. – YaleGlobal

‘Outsourcing’ Asylum Seekers The Italian Way

Italy is intercepting illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean and sending them straight back to Libya. Human rights organisations, the United Nations and the Vatican are crying foul.
Monday, July 27, 2009
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