Pacific Nations Battle Obesity Epidemic
As Pacific Island nations become more integrated into the global economy, an obesity epidemic has emerged. About 90 percent of Tongans, for instance, are classified as overweight or obese. Weight-related diseases are responsible for 75 percent of deaths in the Pacific Islands, notes one World Health Organization official, in an Agence France-Presse report by Neil Sands. By comparison, about 15 percent of US deaths are linked to excess weight. Pacific Islanders have replaced walking and swimming with cars and televisions, and some associate eating imported foods with perceived glamor and prestige of western society. As a result, the islanders shift from a traditional, fish-based diet to imported foods loaded with salt and fat. Imports are often less expensive than healthier, local foods, and price outweighs nutrition in influencing shopping decisions. Some Tongan leaders promote healthier lifestyles and even consider import restrictions in an uphill battle against global economic trends and tasty snacks. – YaleGlobal
Pacific Nations Battle Obesity Epidemic
Global trade flow helps pack on weight for Pacific Islanders
Monday, April 25, 2011
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