Philippine Leader Sounds Alarm on China
The president of the Philippines compared China’s territorial claims in South China Sea to Germany’s 1938 demands for Czech land, during an interview with Keith Bradsher of the New York Times. “Mr. Aquino’s remarks are among the strongest indications yet of alarm among Asian heads of state about China’s military buildup and territorial ambitions, and the second time in recent weeks that an Asian leader has volunteered a comparison to the prelude to world wars,” Bradsher writes. Japan’s prime minister earlier noted that close trade ties between Germany and Britain did not prevent the first world war. Bradsher adds, “While China’s efforts to claim rocks, shoals and fishing grounds off the coast of the Philippines in the South China Sea have been less high-profile, the Chinese have moved faster there.” The US and the Philippines are negotiating an agreement that would allow US troops “to rotate through the Philippines, enhancing… security.” So far, China has employed a strategy of tackling the various claims separately, rather than pursuing comprehensive resolution. War in the region would produce no winners, and fast resolution would demonstrate global leadership. – YaleGlobal
Philippine Leader Sounds Alarm on China
The president of the Philippines compares China’s territorial-sea claims to Germany’s demand for Czech land in 1938, prior to WWII
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
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