Planned Chinatown Raises Hackles in Rural Germany

The city council of rural Oranienburg has approved construction of a Chinatown for its community, but agreement has stopped there. While Germans demand meticulous and time-consuming documentation and construction that conforms to city codes, the Chinese would prefer informal and rapid “guan xi” decision-making. The definition of “home” can increasingly blur as local flavors change with the influx of new cultures. This article in Spiegel Online suggests that new cultures can win greater acceptance in any community with patience and by following suggestions from local authorities. As the old phrase goes, When in Rome, do as the Romans do, and the suggestion still applies to visitors, migrants and wealthy investors with grandiose plans for Chinatowns. – YaleGlobal

Planned Chinatown Raises Hackles in Rural Germany

Markus Feldenkirchen
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Click here for the original article on Spiegel Online.

This article was translated from the German by Christopher Sultan.