Politics Intrudes in Bombing Inquiry, Deepening the French-British Rift

After the London terrorist attacks, British law enforcement and intelligence officials invited peers from two dozen European countries and the US to pool intelligence crucial to track down the attackers. This overture was unprecedented – intelligence agencies rarely exchange information, and then on a bilateral basis – but appropriate to the nature of international terrorism. Just two days later, however, that cooperation was in shambles when French antiterrorism coordinator Christophe Chaboud not only leaked false information to the press, but even blamed the attacks on European (British) involvement in Iraq. Chaboud’s comments have chilled intelligence cooperation and contributed to an already deepening Franco-British tension since the disastrous EU summit. As a result, the British have become more selective in the information that they share with French and European agencies. Will the fight against terrorism be hampered by French political blunders? – YaleGlobal

Politics Intrudes in Bombing Inquiry, Deepening the French-British Rift

Elaine Sciolino
Monday, July 18, 2005

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