Pope Francis, Known for Simplicity and Conservatism

Early reports about Pope Francis point to an anti-globalization streak, in that he has spoken out against the “evils of globalization.” But such characterizations center on a narrow definition of globalization, restricting the phenomenon to financial activities. In his first address, Pope Francis asked, “Let us pray for the whole world that there might be a great sense of brotherhood.” The selection of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio marks a new era in Catholicism and its more than 1 billion followers. From Argentina, the son of Italian immigrants, he is the first Latin American to serve as pope and the first Jesuit, an order that takes a vow of poverty and is renowned for its support of education, free thought and tolerance for other religions. Pope Francis has a conservative track record, too, with opposition to marriage equality. Still, Anthony Faiola of the Washington Post suggests the man “represents a flashback to an old-school view of the Catholic leaders as humble, soft-spoken clerics who walked among their flock and led by example.” – YaleGlobal

Pope Francis, Known for Simplicity and Conservatism

Selection of Pope Francis of Argentina – first Jesuit, first Latin American – could signal a new era of reform for the Catholic Church
Anthony Faiola
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Michael Birnbaum in Berlin, Eliza Mackintosh in London and Julie Tate in Washington contributed to this report.

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