Post-Brexit, Can a Kinder, Gentler Model Help Globalization Survive?
Politicians that do not learn lessons from Brexit, the United Kingdom’s decision to end membership with the European Union, will unleash new economic disruptions. “For years, a wave of anti-establishment resentment, feeding on anger at widening social inequality and hostility to foreigners, has been building across Europe,” writes Peter Ford, Sara Miller Llana and Howard LaFranchi for the Christian Science Monitor. “Lately, similar nativist forces have made themselves felt in the United States.” Voters in democratic societies must view policies as fair. Widening inequality in education and employment drags democracies toward extreme protectionist and narrow policies that distract from real problems confronting the globe. Leaders have “opportunities to present a vision of a kinder, gentler model of globalization that takes more account of local realities” prior to elections in the United States, Germany, France, and other countries. Solutions include trade adjustment assistance, social welfare programs, insurance policies, less reliance on austerity programs and improved communications on visionary policies. Globalization is a disruptive force. Backtracking from entrenched interconnectedness may be more treacherous. – YaleGlobal
Post-Brexit, Can a Kinder, Gentler Model Help Globalization Survive?
Politicians have failed to adapt messages to voters’ concerns about inequality, and populists play on concerns that people are losing control over their lives
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
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Peter Ford is The Christian Science Monitor’s Beijing Bureau Chief. He covers news and features throughout China and also makes reporting trips to Japan and the Korean peninsula. Sara Miller Llana is the Monitor’s European Bureau Chief based in Paris. Prior to this posting, which began in April 2013, she covered Latin America for the paper, from Mexico City, for seven years. Howard LaFranchi has been the Monitor’sdiplomacy correspondent in DC since 2001. Previously, he spent 12 years as a reporter in the field; serving five years as the Monitor’s Paris bureau chief from 1989 to 1994, and as a Latin America correspondent in Mexico City from 1994 to 2001.
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