The Power of Storytelling
Radio – the voices and stories of individuals – wields influence over hearts, minds and community determination. One Central American NGO has found radio to be an excellent tool for spreading anti-trafficking messages throughout the region, reaching those who cannot afford computers and the internet – alerting listeners to the cruel and secretive crime. Thousands of people across Central America and Mexico are exploited, kidnapped, beaten and even killed by criminal gangs that profit from human trafficking. The poor are duped with promises of jobs, secretly shipped far from home and forced to work as slave labor or prostitutes. Relying on the testimony of several survivors, Voces Nuestras, in collaboration with the regional office of the International Organization for Migration, started a series of radio stories about the victims’ personal experiences. The stories seek common ground with listeners and offer advice on taking action. – YaleGlobal
The Power of Storytelling
Radio is emerging as an effective medium in Mexico and Central America, with survivors sharing personal stories to combat human trafficking
Friday, July 5, 2013
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