Promise of US Jobs Lures Migrants Who Vowed to Stay in Mexico

Immigrants who resent harsh treatment in the US, particularly those who lack documentation, often return to Mexico. But the Mexican economy offers little in the way of jobs, wages or benefits available in the US. Individuals long to work and hometowns rely on remittances sent from the north. The Mexicans may return home and vow to stay, but many cannot resist pleas from friends in Texas and Florida about available jobs at good pay. “There were too many roofs to build, too many yards to landscape and tables to clean back in North Texas,” writes Alfredo Corchado for the Dallas Morning News. With some jobs in Mexico paying just $10 per day, workers readily risk arrest and resentment for positions that pay five or ten times as much. – YaleGlobal

Promise of US Jobs Lures Migrants Who Vowed to Stay in Mexico

Many seeking a future in Mexico find economy there unsupportive
Alfredo Corchado
Monday, February 25, 2008

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