The Qaeda Vipers in Europe’s Bosom

Europe has been a hotbed of al Qaeda activity, even serving as a planning center for some of the militant Muslims who carried out the September 11 attacks on the US. Social conditions for Muslims in Europe are such that many Muslim immigrants feel alienated in places like Britain. Though European governments have been aggressive in arresting terrorist suspects since September 11 and have prevented attacks on European soil, they must work to eradicate the social inequalities that can lead to radicalization of young Muslims and the ensuing buildup of al Qaeda networks. – YaleGlobal

The Qaeda Vipers in Europe’s Bosom

Jonathan Stevenson
Saturday, February 1, 2003

Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.

Jonathan Stevenson is senior fellow for counterterrorism at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company