Reality Overtakes the Illusion of Unity in Gaza

No two people could ever agree on every topic, yet government must organize many competing interests into a structure that can create policy for a common good. A Palestinian unity government has failed to find common ground between two parties, Hamas and Fatah, and Gaza has erupted into violence. "The fighting raises the possibility that the Palestinian Authority itself may collapse, leaving no titular administration in the Palestinian territories responsible for security, law and justice, and no one able to deal with Washington and the West," writes Steven Erlanger for "The New York Times." Collapse of the authority would return responsibility for security back to Israel as occupying force of the Palestinian territories. Some Palestinians question whether a temporary government can ever provide adequate control - and other nations, such as Jordan and Egypt, may assist in providing control. In the meantime, the infighting delays any chance of Israeli-Palestinian peace. – YaleGlobal

Reality Overtakes the Illusion of Unity in Gaza

Steven Erlanger
Friday, May 18, 2007

Click here for the original article on The New York Times's website.

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