Redder Than the Real Thing

To secure Chinese favor, the United States has devalued Taiwan’s quest for democracy. America’s official stance is pro-China, despite the inequality and injustice propagated by the Chinese government, says the author. Ironically, the superior form of governance is the form practiced by Taiwan, and that is the European-style social democracy, which America should appreciate more, logically speaking. As a result of good governance, Taiwan enjoys universal literacy, the freedom to access independent sources of information, a stable pension system, and social welfare programs that protect its poor. A second irony emerges, as it is the American neo-conservatives like John Bolton who are pro-Taiwan. With the official conservative stance being pro-China and with liberals ignoring rightists’ calls for Taiwanese independence, an unsurprising effect is nonchalance towards Taiwan and a pro-China attitude that is driven by the promise of economic gain. – YaleGlobal

Redder Than the Real Thing

Taiwan's brand of democratic socialism succeeds and improves on the Chinese model
Ian Williams
Monday, January 7, 2008

Click here for the original article on The Guardian's website.

Ian Williams is the Nation’s UN correspondent.

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