Resident Non-Immigrants in US: 1 in 4 Is From India
Indians are the largest category of resident non-immigrants in the US, including temporary guest workers, students and families, 22.9 percent in all, suggests a report from the US Department of Homeland Security for the year ending in June 2012. According to the report, of 840,000 temporary workers and families, 38 percent hailed from India, with 25 percent Chinese and 16 percent South Koreans. Again according to the report, of 720,000 foreign students during the same period, 20 percent were from China, 13.8 percent each from India and South Korea. “In other words, despite the occasional doubts that India is being discriminated against in the US visa regime, [about] one out of every four resident non-immigrants (who eventually may or may not become immigrants) recorded in the US in 2012 was from India,” reports Chidanand Rajghatta for the Times of India. About half the resident non-immigrants were under age 25 and half were aged 25 to 34, “pointing to an education and economic imperative of the coming to America story”; 59 percent of the workers-family and 53 percent of the students-family were male. – YaleGlobal
Resident Non-Immigrants in US: 1 in 4 Is From India
US Department of Homeland Security report suggests that Asians represent half of all temporary workers and students in 2012, Indians about 22.9 percent
Monday, April 21, 2014
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