Resourcing Outsourcing
Rapid growth is anticipated in outsourcing of information-technology, particularly with the rise in energy prices. Infrastructure, low wages, an educated work force and language skills have contributed to Egypt moving up the list as one of the best destinations for outsourcing. “Yet even the seemingly organized IT and call center market is fragmented, spanning from brand-name supported regional offices to one-man-show companies, making it increasingly difficult to determine how big the market really is,” writes Tamer Hafez for Business Today Egypt. The industry is transforming rapidly, Hafez warns, and government and industry estimate on revenues and markets can be unreliable, adding to the planning challenges. Mergers, acquisitions, markets and changing business conditions suggest that the companies and countries that ultimately become winners or losers have yet to be determined. – YaleGlobal
Resourcing Outsourcing
Lured in by government initiatives and quality human resources, the global outsourcing sector is sweeping through the nation
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Click here for the original article on Business Today Egypt.
Business Today Egypt, @ 2004-2007 IBA Media