Sarkozy Hits Back at Reding in Roma Row

France has drawn the ire of other European nations for its aggressive policies on expulsion of illegal immigrants. The EU, of course, has never been in lock-step on member policies. Yet, debate over mistreatment of the Roma minority is distinguished by swift criticism from central EU authorities, including EU Commissioner Viviane Reding of Luxembourg who compared France's handling of the Roma minority to Nazi treatment of Jews – ethnic targeting that ended up in a holocaust. The commission, less strident than Reding, rejected the parallels, but still initiated infringement proceedings against France. As France defends its policies as legal, others in the European community point out the French pursue conflicting human-rights positions in national and international arenas, or as one critic noted “populism at home and responsibility abroad.” Swift criticism of a leading member may serve as a testament to EU determination to protect human rights. – YaleGlobal

Sarkozy Hits Back at Reding in Roma Row

Peggy Hollinger, Nikki Tait, Stanley Pignal
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
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