Sarkozy Pledges Police Crackdown after Riots in Paris

Following four nights of violent rioting in the Parisian suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy vowed to aggressively police many of the nation’s poorer, largely immigrant ghettoes. The unrest – the likes of which France has not seen in years – began on Thursday when two boys of North African origin, named only as Ziad, 17, and Banou, 15, died of electrocution after hiding in a power substation. Reports that they had been pursued by over-zealous police officers sparked the ire of hundreds of youth in the neighborhood, who have since waged running battles with riot police, hurling stones and blockading streets with upturned cars and flaming garbage cans. The crisis, as Sarkozy recognizes, runs deep in French society. He claims that the disaffection of France’s marginalized banlieues has been festering “for 30 years.” Writing for the Guardian, Jon Henley notes that rates of unemployment amongst these immigrant communities – hailing mostly from former French colonies in the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa – “can be five times the national average.” Yet Sarkozy’s agenda has little to do with social reform, focusing more on neutralizing crime and drug-trafficking and instituting a “national plan to deal with delinquency.” Such tactics have triggered a firestorm of criticism from many corners of French society, all wary of the effects of further police repression. Former Socialist Prime Minister, Laurent Fabius, summarized the dissenting opinion: “We need to act at the same time on prevention, education, housing, jobs ... and not play the cowboy.” – YaleGlobal

Sarkozy Pledges Police Crackdown after Riots in Paris

Jon Henley
Tuesday, November 1, 2005

France's interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, yesterday defended his law-and-order tactics and pledged rapid police reinforcements after four nights of rioting in Paris.

Mr Sarkozy, who also promised the parents of two teenagers whose deaths sparked the violence that they would learn "the full truth" about how their sons died, said the situation in some deprived neighbourhoods had been deteriorating "for 30 years" and had to be tackled firmly. More than 30 people were under arrest last night in the rundown northeastern district of Clichy-sous-Bois after some of the most violent clashes between riot police and mainly immigrant youths that the country has seen for some years.

Groups of youths have set cars and rubbish bins alight, hurled stones at police and fired at least one bullet in running battles that began on Thursday after Ziad, 17, and Banou, 15, were electrocuted in an electricity substation. On Sunday night a teargas grenade was fired into a mosque.

Visiting the nearby Seine-Saint-Denis police headquarters, Mr Sarkozy maintained his hardline stance, saying policing would be stepped up to ensure every resident of France's poor immigrant estates - where unemployment can be five times the national average - had "the security they have a right to". He said 17 companies of CRS riot police would be assigned permanently to difficult neighbourhoods, along with seven mobile police squads. Plainclothes agents will be sent on to some estates to "identify gang leaders, traffickers and big shots," he added, promising a "national plan" to deal with delinquency by the end of the year.

Opposition politicians, human rights groups and even some members of his own centre-right UMP party have accused Mr Sarkozy of being more interested in high-profile repression than long-term prevention. They are also upset at his use of words such as rabble, yobs and louts, which they say is likely to stoke tensions further. "This isn't how we resolve these problems," a former Socialist prime minister, Laurent Fabius, said on French radio. "We need to act at the same time on prevention, education, housing, jobs ... and not play the cowboy."

But Mr Sarkozy, citing statistics that show 30 police patrols are stoned and as many cars burned every night on France's low-income housing estates, is unrepentant. "There are some gangs and traffickers who are living off the underground economy, off drug trafficking, who seem to think these neighbourhoods are beyond the authorities' reach, " he said on television on Sunday. So far, France's voters seem to back him: he is by far the most popular politician and is seen as a leading presidential candidate in 2007.

Along with a friend, Metin, 21, who survived, Ziad and Banou were on their way home when they saw other youths being stopped and questioned by police. Apparently believing they were being pursued, they scrambled over a high barbed wire fence to get into the substation.

At the police station Mr Sarkozy met relatives of the two youths. He said that a full investigation was under way but on Sunday he had said that according to his information the youths were not being chased when they climbed the substation fence. The parents of the boys yesterday refused to meet the "incompetent" Mr Sarkozy and demanded to meet the prime minister, Dominique de Villepin.

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