Saudis’ Role in Iraq Insurgency Outlined
Despite US government complaints that Syria and Iran help Iraqi insurgents, Saudi Arabia is the largest source of foreign fighters in Iraq. Almost half of foreign fighters come from Saudi Arabia, and fighters from the oil-rich country may have carried out more suicide bombings than those of any other nationality. Some analysts report that Saudi Arabia does not properly patrol its border with Iraq, with some going as far to suggest that the nation encourages Al Qaeda sympathizers to cross the border so that they will not create chaos at home. Some observers question whether Saudi Arabia, a Sunni regime, has any real interest in helping Iraq while ruled by Shiites. Regardless of the motives, US troops find themselves in the uncomfortable position of fighting insurgents who come from a key ally in the region. – YaleGlobal
Saudis' Role in Iraq Insurgency Outlined
Sunni extremists from Saudi Arabia make up half the foreign fighters in Iraq, many suicide bombers, a US official says
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Click here for the original article on The Los Angeles Times website.
Times Staff Writer. Times staff writers Paul Richter and Greg Miller in Washington contributed to this report.,0,3132262.story...
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