Seeking Business, Cuomo Heads to Cuba With a New York Trade Delegation

The announcement of plans to remove Cuba from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism unleashed a flood of business interest. US Congress must approve lifting the full trade embargo, and business leaders could apply pressure to politicians who have long benefited from the divisions. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wasted no time, leading a 26-hour trip to Cuba with business leaders from JetBlue, Pfizer, MasterCard, and Chobani. New York’s Roswell Park Cancer Institute also joined the delegation, highlighting Cuba’s history of advanced biomedical research. Louisiana, Florida and Virginia are the lead states now exporting to Cuba, reports Susanne Craig for the New York Times, and more are expected to target the new market. Despite the enthusiasm from businesses, Cubans and the rest of Latin America, restoring full ties will take time. Barriers to development include Cuba’s low average income, state-controlled economy and weak infrastructure. – YaleGlobal

Seeking Business, Cuomo Heads to Cuba With a New York Trade Delegation

Despite many challenges, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and business leaders traveled to Cuba to seek business ties in race to trade
Susanne Craig
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Susanne Craig is the Albany bureau chief for The New York Times. 
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