Sierra: Global Warming Will Be Catastrophic
Only foolish or superstitious societies ignore clear evidence of danger and take chances. The science on climate change and a warming world is overwhelming, yet a small, vocal minority insists that there is no need for humans to take precautions by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. US government scientists released the fourth National Climate Assessment, as required by Congress. “The report is the federal government’s clearest statement to date that the reckless burning of fossil fuels for the last two centuries has put the nation on a collision course with a variety of near-biblical planetary consequences, from extreme drought and massive storms to monster wildfires, sea level rise, and the multiplication of dangerous diseases,” writes Jonathan Hahn for Sierra. “The cost of continued inaction, the assessment makes clear, will lead to social disruption, economic damage, and public health impacts on a scale never before witnessed by modern society.” The report details regional changes already underway, and researchers warn that climate changes outpace strategies to adapt. Perceptive individuals and communities will rely on the document for developing plans and policies. – YaleGlobal
Sierra: Global Warming Will Be Catastrophic
Trump administration fails to bury National Climate Assessment that details regional changes now underway – but still refuses to accept the warning
Monday, December 3, 2018
Read the article from Sierra about the National Climate Assessment report released by the United States.
Read the National Climate Assessment report.
Jonathan Hahn is the managing editor of Sierra, covering environmental justice and politics, global trade, energy, and public health.
© 2017 Sierra Club.