A Silver Lining to the US-India Nuclear Deal
India conducted nuclear research outside the limits of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and analysts disagree whether a deal between the US and India, allowing for trade and cooperation on civilian nuclear materials, hampers or strengthens that international treaty. “Without a doubt, the U.S.-India nuclear deal presents a serious challenge to the NPT,” writes physicist Pavel Podvig for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. ‘But it also presents an opportunity to strengthening the regime and its most important, relevant elements.” Podvig points out that the deal revives interest in the treaty’s goals to reduce nuclear weapons and also exposes some flawed assumptions about any nuclear arsenal, including the notion that knowledge is secure, held by only a few, and that the weapons provide any real security. – YaleGlobal
A Silver Lining to the US-India Nuclear Deal
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Click here for the article in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
A physicist trained at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Podvig works as a research associate at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation. His expertise is in the Russian nuclear arsenal, U.S.-Russian relations, and nonproliferation. In 1995, he headed the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces Research Project, editing the project’s eponymous book, which provides an overview of the Soviet and Russian strategic forces and the technical capabilities of Russia’s strategic weapon systems.
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