Social Change in Qatar, One Degree at a Time

Qatar is not known for being a liberal democratic country – indeed, there is little room for political dissent. Surprisingly though, this small Middle East country is pushing through one of the world's most revolutionary experiments in higher education. With increasing security restrictions limiting access for foreign students to attend top US universities, Qatar has decided to import world class education. Already, four US universities have opened branches in the country, and a fifth is on its way as part of a development called Education City. So far, the experiment has been a success, and students are attracted by the combination of a Western education in a Middle Eastern setting. However, while Qatar's drive to educate its people is an exciting development, it remains to be seen whether this will eventually lead to further reform. – YaleGlobal

Social Change in Qatar, One Degree at a Time

Foreign universities help in educational overhaul
Otto Pohl
Thursday, March 24, 2005

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