Social Trust and COVID-19: New Yorker

The COVID-19 pandemic leaves no part of the world untouched, exposing values along the way, from generosity to greed. The health crisis is similar to the climate-change crisis in that resolution requires collective action for the common good, argues climate activist Bill McKibben for the New Yorker. Libertarian thought, popular among some wealthy elite in advanced economies, includes resistance to taxation and government controls. Instead, many support individualist and competitive approaches, including private-sector and market responses for resolving challenges. Such methods can reinforce inequality. Countries with high levels of social trust find it easier to cooperate. “South Korea, for instance, where a comprehensive national health system made sure that no one had to worry about getting a test or paying for treatment,” McKibben notes. In March, the United Nations pointed out that nations "with higher levels of social trust and connections are more resilient in the face of natural disasters and economic crises.” Cooperating on fixes takes priority over fighting. – YaleGlobal

Social Trust and COVID-19: New Yorker

Cooperation benefits human endeavors and social trust is key to stemming the COVID-19 health and economic crises
Bill McKibben
Monday, April 6, 2020

Read the essay from the New Yorker about the benefits of cooperation and trust in tackling crises.

Bill McKibben is a founder of the grassroots climate campaign and a contributing writer to The New Yorker. He writes The Climate Crisis, The New Yorker's newsletter on the environment.

Percent Trust in Organizations, Selected Nations 	 	Government	Business China	86%	80% India	74%	77% S Korea	52%	39% Global	47%	56% UK	42%	47% US	40%	54% Germany	40%	47% Japan	39%	44% Russia	34%	34% Brazil	28%	58%
Crisis management: Gaining the broad cooperation requires trust, and how countries manage challenges also influences public trust levels; the report on trust levels is based on surveys of 33,000 respondents in 27 markets (Source: 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer)

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