Sony Leads Charge to Cash in on Iraq

Sony has registered the phrase “shock and awe,” used to describe US military tactics at the beginning of the war in Iraq, for a possible computer game. However, the game may not be sold in Britain and Europe if the scenario is set in Iraq owing to the European criticism of the war. Sony registered the name on March 21 one day after the war began. Other companies have also sought to capture patent rights over names to take advantage of future demand. But it is not just computer game manufacturers who are hoping to cash in. T-shirts, caps, and board games are also set to be produced. If manufacturers are correct about upcoming consumer demand, then the war may provide a much-needed economic stimulus, albeit indirectly - YaleGlobal

Sony Leads Charge to Cash in on Iraq

Julia Day
Thursday, April 10, 2003

Click here for the original article on The Guardian's website. © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003