Suicide Bombings Are Condemned in Saudi Mosques

US officials have linked the deaths of 34 people in three car bombings in the Saudi capital of Riyadh to Islamic fundamentalists, namely Bin-Laden's Al-Qaeda network. Akin to the scenario after 9/11 when Muslims around the world defended Islam as a religion that does not preach violence, Saudi Imams and laymen alike condemn the bombings as "criminal acts." However, most view the recent killings of innocent American and Saudi civilians at home as a reflection of things abroad -"I see hundreds of our Muslim brothers dying in Iraq and Palestine," reasons one elementary school teacher. The birthplace of Islam and the home country of Osama Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia mostly ignored US charges of Saudi links with Al-Qaeda. But with terrorism now inside their doors, more active responses will be sought of the government by both its citizens and the world at large. – YaleGlobal

Suicide Bombings Are Condemned in Saudi Mosques

Steven R. Weisman
Saturday, May 17, 2003

Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.

2003 copyright The New York Times Company