Synthetic Microbe Lives With Less Than 500 Genes
Researchers have engineered the smallest synthetic microbe with 473 genes known as Syn 3.0. “The microbe’s streamlined genetic structure excites evolutionary biologists and biotechnologists, who anticipate adding genes back to it one by one to study their effects,” reports Robert Services for Science. The microbe was developed through trial and error by inserting and extracting genes from a previous synthetic microbe made at the same lab. “All this enabled [researchers] to systematically whittle away genes that either had nonessential functions or duplicated the function of another gene.” About one third of the genes’ functions are unknown. The microbe reproduces, doubling its population in three hours. Commenters worry about unknown consequences while the creators of the synthetic microbe anticipate that it could contribute to a greater understanding of genetic processes. – YaleGlobal
Synthetic Microbe Lives With Less Than 500 Genes
Researchers develop a synthetic microbe – so small that it could contribute to a greater understanding of genetic and life processes
Monday, March 28, 2016
Bob is a news reporter for Science in Portland, OR, covering chemistry, materials science, and energy stories.
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