Tensions Between Globalization, Backwardness

For the Middle East to move forward economically and politically, says this article in Lebanon's Daily Star, states in the region must embrace principles of efficiency and inclusivity. Rather than fight against the tide of globalization, the author suggests, the Middle East must jump on the bandwagon, work to strengthen itself internally, and fortify its position in the global economy. "Middle East integration is beneficial, long overdue, and inevitable under globalization. There will be more advantages for the region to speed up south-south integration ahead of integration with the EU, creating a larger market and raising competitiveness and productivity in the face of coming competition from both north and south." In politics as well, the article argues, the promotion of democratic and participatory principles is essential, a process which "implies expanding the scope of globalization… to include bringing down restrictions caused by domestic government practices." While some steps have already been taken to these ends, the author says, progress must come more swiftly if the region is to truly take advantage of the possibilities offered by globalization. – YaleGlobal

Tensions Between Globalization, Backwardness

Riad al-Khouri
Thursday, December 18, 2003

Click here for the original article on The Daily Times website.

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