Thailand Tiptoes in Step With American Antiterror Effort

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been keeping his assistance to the US anti-terrorist effort private, fearing retaliation from terrorists and the impact of a public avowal on a tourist industry already suffering because of SARS and a bombing in Bali last year. Nevertheless, Thailand has been instrumental to the US anti-terrorism effort, providing interrogation facilities, the use of air force bases, and even arresting suspected members of Al Qaeda. The country’s role as a meeting place, transit point, and source of false documents for terrorists makes its cooperation with the US valuable. However, despite the quiet nature of Thai cooperation, its tourist industry will likely suffer, as the US government issues announcements to travelers warning them that Thai tourist attractions are vulnerable to terrorist attacks. – YaleGlobal

Thailand Tiptoes in Step With American Antiterror Effort

Raymond Bonner
Sunday, June 8, 2003

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