In Thrall To A Glittering Prize

As a result of the global economic downturn, demand for at least one product increased: gold. As in past periods of uncertainty, with the drop in the stock market, investors turned to gold as a safe, more reliable store of value. This demand, combined with gold jewelry’s popularity among the new middle classes in China and India, took the price of the yellow metal to a new all-time high. With demand for gold likely to rise further, mining companies are expanding operations in many developing nations. In the short term, new mining efforts could boost local economies and provide some improvements to infrastructure, like new roads. However, the IMF associates new mineral discoveries in developing nations with corruption and long term economic decline once the supply is exhausted. Other less than sparkling repercussions range from environmental pollution to the rise of sexually transmitted diseases. Apart from the few that bought gold early, it would appear that not much glitters in this recent gold rush. – YaleGlobal

In Thrall To A Glittering Prize

As the global financial crisis hits, people are turning to gold - but in some cases it comes with a high price, writes Nick O'Malley
Nick O’Malley
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

THE visitors' shop at the Perth Mint was packed with nervous buyers. They'd emptied their bank accounts and pulled money out of superannuation. They stood in the queue with wallets and pockets stuffed with cash and cheques and watched as the price ticked higher on the screen above the counter.

Service was slow. Papers had to be signed, identities checked. And besides, the shop staff - more used to serving tourists and the occasional small investor - were also taking phone orders from around the world. The fax and email were flooded.

It was Tuesday, September 30, last year, the day after Western Australia celebrated the Queen's Birthday, the end of a horror month on the world's markets.

A fortnight earlier the fabled Lehman Brothers investment bank declared bankruptcy. By Friday, September 26, the US President, George Bush, and his treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, were begging Congress to pass a $700 billion bail-out package to save the US economy.

"If money isn't loosened up, this sucker could go down," said Bush during heated Friday night negotiations. The deal was done by Monday morning but the unimpressed US market slumped again.

All the while there was hope China would save Australia's economy. The next day, a Tuesday, Cathy Anza, who manages the Mint's shop, returned to work after a long weekend in the Margaret River. The Herald ran the headline "China's steel industry crumples".

"People were polite to us but they were nervous," recalls Anza of the queue that at times snaked out the door of the shop. "They wanted gold."

The Perth Mint owns a controlling stake in the gold refinery, just by the airport, through which most of the gold mined in Australia and the Pacific will eventually pass. It is the only place in Australia to buy gold bullion or coin in quantity.

The Mint's sales and marketing director, Ron Currie, remembers that Tuesday well.

"It was like a tap had been turned on. It was overnight," he says of the sudden demand. It is Currie's job to estimate demand for the coming financial year. This year he was short of the mark by almost 75 per cent.

The Mint's treasurer, Nigel Moffatt, was also blindsided by the rush. "It was unprecedented. You can't just magic the coins out of nowhere. There is actually a long and involved process in making a coin. We get smelted gold coming in, then we have to refine it, roll it, stamp it, polish it.

"This was not just us. This was the Royal Canadian Mint, the US mint, the Austrian mint; all the major coin-producing mints ran out."

Fear wasn't the only factor driving demand. Greed was in play. For the past 30 years the record gold price was $US850 an ounce - almost $2000 in today's terms. It was set in 1980 in the wake of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Iranian revolution and in the face of high inflation and oil prices.

Later prices slumped back to the $US300 and $US400 mark, but the nominal record was finally shattered in January last year, when gold traded for a time at $US1032.70 an ounce.

On the morning Anza was facing the queues in Perth, gold was trading in the US for just over $US900. This month prices have been bouncing around above $US950. Nobody expects prices to drop soon, either.

Gold supplies began to dwindle in 2003, when 85 million ounces were mined. A year later, just 80 million ounces came onto the market; last year the figure was 77 million.

The same year the decline began, a new method of investing in gold was created: Exchange Traded Funds. For the first time investors could buy actual gold without having to go to the trouble of storing it.

Meanwhile, the booming middle classes in India and China - both peoples with deep cultural attractions to gold - have begun to display their newly acquired wealth through jewellery.

The Chinese Government has also been on a gold spree. Last month its State Administration of Foreign Exchange shocked the market by revealing it had increased its holdings by 76 per cent to 1054 tonnes since 2003. With more than $2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, the administration needed somewhere safe to park its wealth while Western governments trashed their paper currencies with massive stimulus packages.

A perfect storm had formed: less supply, more demand, bigger market and ever higher prices.

The founder and chairman of the world's biggest gold-mining company, Barrick Gold Corporation, wrote in the company's most recent annual report: "These past few months, for the first time since founding Barrick 25 years ago, I have been flooded with calls from friends, business associates, acquaintances and institutions eager to buy actual, physical gold. That's how bad things are out there." Or good, depending on your point of view.

The effects of the long gold boom are profound and sometimes bizarre. Late last month a gold-vending machine was unveiled at Frankfurt's main train station, so commuters could stop to buy slivers of investment gold.

"Gold is an asset everyone should have, between 5 and 15 per cent of your liquid assets in physical gold," Thomas Geissler, the chief executive of TG-Gold-Super-Markt, the company planning to set up 500 gold ATMs, told Reuters.

In Stephen Soderbergh's latest film, The Girlfriend Experience, a grim depiction of the financial crisis told from the point of view of a $2000-an-hour call girl, the protagonist is advised by a Wall Street client as she disrobes: "Buy gold." It's a message middle America has already taken to heart.

Since the boom began, myriad gold investment blogs have bloomed. Some are amateur and paranoid, some expertly written, presented and edited.

One of them, GoldWorld, is both. In an essay posted in March titled The Ten Best Ways To Invest During A Financial Crisis, one of its contributors advises readers to: "Own the physical precious metals and quality mining shares.

"Taking physical possession of gold and silver bullion coins and bars is essential to surviving any crisis. History has clearly shown that those who held the physical metals during times of economic turmoil and displacement fared much better than those who didn't." And the very next recommendation: "Consider buying a gun."

Last year saw the emergence of gold parties in New York, where the hostess invites her friends around to sell their gold jewellery to an accredited buyer, who takes a 10 per cent cut.

The jewellery - or scrap, as it is known in the industry - is then melted down to make coin, bullion or ingots to feed the insatiable market.

A Financial Times journalist who attended one such event noted they were not as friendly as the Tupperware parties of old.

The women were invited into the dining room alone to flog their jewellery lest it was revealed to be fake. Women with multiple ex-husbands tended to do very well. They had more scrap to sell.

Gold parties have yet to take off in Australia because of more stringent local regulations, says a Sydney gold trader, Allyn Sherman, who trades scrap from a shop in the CBD. But business is booming and Sherman is now advertising on television for scrap jewellery.

According to a Melbourne gold analyst, Sandra Close, this constant recycling of gold is an intrinsic part of the metal's near-mystical appeal.

Yes, people are drawn to its density, scarcity and lustre. But unlike any other substance, gold can be endlessly refashioned without deteriorating. Nearly all the gold ever mined - about 150,000 tonnes; imagine a cubic tennis court - is still in circulation. Aztec gold could be found in Goldmark jewellery.

"We even see dental gold," says the Perth Mint's Nigel Moffatt with a stiff laugh. "Perhaps you shouldn't tell your readers that."

In simple economic terms, this present gold rush is the greatest in our history. And like all the rushes that went before it, it has brought misery as well as wealth.

Mining companies are pushing deeper than ever into developing countries. Some of the world's biggest mines are now to be found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Peru and the Philippines.

These countries are enjoying massive investment in roads, dams, hospitals and schools. The companies that secure mining rights build secure energy supplies and pump money into governance.

But the boom lasts only as long as the gold supply.

An International Monetary Fund report has found that the discovery of mineral wealth in a developing country is a key indicator of corruption and longer-term decline. While the gold flows, other key sectors of the economy stagnate, presaging collapse once the boom ends.

And goldmining is a dirty business, even when properly regulated. Up to 30 tonnes of earth can be gouged out of the ground to make a single wedding ring. In some countries, tailings can still be dumped legally in rivers or at sea.

Most large-scale mines leach gold from ore with cyanide solutions sprayed on mountains of earth or in tanks. The weaker the host government, the greater the risk of toxic spills. A single spill in Romania in 2000 contaminated 2000 kilometres of river and the water supply for 2.5 million people.

Pascale Palmer, a campaigner for England's Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, a charity group fighting to make goldmining safer and cleaner, has just returned from the goldfields of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

She says the mines are not only dangerous for many who work in them, but they drag labour away from other industries and create boom towns in areas with no infrastructure.

Such booms in Africa have broken up families, as men take second wives on the goldfields, and promote the spread of prostitution and attendant sexually transmitted diseases.

Tensions flare when Western mining companies move in and locals discover that modern mining is not labour-intensive and mines do not provide mass employment.

In 2006 about 13 million "artisanal miners" were scratching a living out of small-scale mining. Today that figure is estimated to be up to 15 million, a third of them women and children.

On a single mining concession in the Democratic Republic of Congo, about 50,000 children are thought to be making a living in makeshift mines, Palmer says.

One veteran of the mines is a local priest, Father Alfred Buju, who has joined the campaign against so-called dirty gold.

"The child miner normally suffers," says Buju, who mined gold from 1981, when he was 11, until 1985.

"The work is not for children. It is hard, because they have to work at the same rhythm as the adults."

The children earn the same amount for each basin of sand processed as adults do, but as each basin takes them longer they earn far less - about $2 a day.

"They are there because they are fighting to survive; some to buy bread for the day, some to have enough money to buy the clothes they wear, and finally others to help pay the cost of an education. They are the only reasons the children are in the mines," Buju says.

Palmer's group, along with Oxfam in Australia, Britain and the US, is seeking to have international agreements put in place similar to those that prevent the trade in conflict diamonds which once fuelled wars across Africa.

According to Oxfam Australia's mining ombudsman, Christina Hill, policing dirty gold is harder than blood diamonds. Gold cannot be traced to its source.

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