Trump Gives Carbon Price Foes New Line of Attack

US President-elect Donald Trump described climate change as a “hoax” for US businesses and promised to repeal environmental regulations and to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. China has since offered the reminder that the United States supported UN deliberations on a warming planet during the Reagan administration well before China knew such negotiations were underway. Canada and other nations, hoping to stay competitive with energy pricing, consider walking back carbon-pricing plans and other steps to slow warming. “Trump's ‘election portends many things,’ says a senior Liberal, ‘but it doesn't change the law of science,’" warns Aaron Wherry for CBC News in Canada. “If one wagers that the world is still headed toward a low-carbon future, it would make sense to continue moving in that direction as a country.” Some countries will continue to develop alternative energies, hoping that early innovations could reduce emissons and boost competitiveness for the years ahead. Otherwise, future generations will be forced to shoulder the transition. China may rally as global leader on climate issues, or, as proposed by one candidate for French president, countries may seek to punish the United States with carbon tariffs. – YaleGlobal

Trump Gives Carbon Price Foes New Line of Attack

The Trump presidency may reject science on climate change, but obstinacy could reinvigorate support for carbon pricing and alternative energy
Aaron Wherry
Thursday, November 17, 2016

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Read about the Climate Action Tracker and how it categorizes countries on climate change. China, the European Union, Mexico, India and the United States are described as having a “medium” response while Canada’s is categorized as “inadequate.”  The Climate Action Tracker is described as “an independent scientific analysis produced by three research organisations tracking climate action and global efforts towards the globally agreed aim of holding warming below 2°C, since 2009.” 

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