Turkish Soap Star Sparks Divorces in Arab World

A male lead in a Turkish television show, “Noor,” has demonstrated that husbands can be good looking, charming and attentive to the ambitions of their wives. Muslim clerics criticize the show, but female viewers in Palestine, Saudia Arabia and other Muslim nations are fascinated by an idealized relationship, albeit an arranged marriage, with both man and woman striving for equality and partnership in decision-making. Reports emerge about women discussing their high expectations for their husbands, seeking jobs, copying fashions and even divorcing husbands as a result of the show. The article in the Arab Washingtonian comments, “Whether the ‘Noor’ effect will be lasting is not known.” – YaleGlobal

Turkish Soap Star Sparks Divorces in Arab World

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Click here for the article on The Arab Washingtonian.

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