UK to Relax Immigration Rules for the Rich

The rich are different, as noted by more than one literary figure. To assist a struggling economy and keep pace with Canada, the US and other nations, Great Britain will relax some immigration rules to entice wealthy families and entrepreneurs from emerging economies like China, India and the Middle East, reports the Financial Times. The price for fast-track permits is £10 million, reducing the wait for residency from five years to two. Those with only £5 million must wait an extra year for residency. Investors in schools, health care or other select areas can expect preferential treatment, reports John Boxell. At the same time the government will announce new limits on non-EU work permits and student visas. – YaleGlobal

UK to Relax Immigration Rules for the Rich

The UK lays out a welcome mat for the wealthiest immigrants
James Boxell
Thursday, November 25, 2010

James Boxell is home affairs correspondent for the Financial Times.

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