Unmanned U.S. Planes Comb Arabian Desert for Suspects

The war on terror has extended to a new geographic location - the Empty Quarter, or the Rub al-Khali in Arabic, in Yemen. Pilotless American surveillance planes have been flying over the soaring dunes and craggy valleys that extend for some 900 miles from the frontier of Yemen to the foothills of Oman, and 500 miles northward into central Saudi Arabia. The spy planes are scouring the ground for terrorists who blew up the US Navy ship Cole as well as likely fugitives from Afghanistan. Thus far, tribesmen living in the area have been uncooperative in turning over the terrorists. –YaleGlobal

Unmanned U.S. Planes Comb Arabian Desert for Suspects

Neil MacFarquhar
Wednesday, October 23, 2002

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