Unnatural Disasters
In less than fifty years, there could be 150 million refugees fleeing environmental disaster, says this article in the UK's Guardian. Already outnumbering political refugees, environmental refugees are still not afforded the attention their plight demands. Oftentimes it is the countries least responsible for global environmental change that are most affected and least capable of dealing with its negative consequences. Furthermore, argues the author, the lack of international support for these refugees is a serious problem. "Without proper environmental refugee status," he cautions, "the displaced could be condemned to a national economic and geographical lottery, and to the patchwork availability of resources and application of immigration policies." It is therefore incumbent upon the international community not only to begin curbing now the practices leading to global warming but also to put time, effort, and resources into managing the problem of refugees. – YaleGlobal
Unnatural Disasters
Global warming could create 150 million environmental refugees - but the countries responsible are in no hurry to carry their share of the costs
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Click here for the original article on The Guardian's website.
Andrew Simms is policy director at the New Economics Foundation.
Rights: © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003