US Bills South Korea $5 Billion: Korea Times

South Korea hosts US bases and more than 25,000 troops, contributing to the costs. The Trump administration wants the country to pay $5 billion for maintaining that presence. South Korea suggests that the request lacks specifics, showing a lack of respect for allies. “Such concerns were greatly magnified by a recent meeting between U.S. Ambassador Harry Harris and a high-profile Korean lawmaker, in which the U.S. envoy reportedly underlined the necessity for Korea to respond to U.S. President Donald Trump's demand to raise Korea's share to $5 billion,” reports for the Korea Times. “The meeting came amid rising criticisms within Korea and abroad that President Trump's rumored demand for $5 billion is out of line and it is feared the number will hamper the Korea-U.S. alliance.” US defense officials and diplomats, repeatedly suggest that South Korea is a “wealthy” nation and dismiss Korean concerns about current economic conditions. Talks have broken off for now. Reduction of US troops on the Korean Peninsula would please North Korea, China and Russia. Negotiations come as South Korea's relations with Japan are in decline and some South Koreans protest the US military presence. South Korea and the US reached a hurried agreement in February with South Korea paying $890 million for this current year. – YaleGlobal

US Bills South Korea $5 Billion: Korea Times

Talks between the United States and South Korea break off after the latter balks at paying $5 billion for hosting US bases and questions specifics
Do Je-hae
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Read the article from the Korea Times about negotiations with the US on payments for the security presence.

Also read the article from NPR about the United States and South Korea reaching an agreement on the latter paying $890 million per year for US security presence, an 8.2 percent increase from the previous agreement.


(Source: Military Bases, Reuters and Google Maps)

South Korea Annual GDP Growth Jan 2017	2.6 	3.1 	2.8 	3.9 Jan 2018	2.8 	2.8 	2.9 	2.1 Jan 2019	2.9 	1.7 	2 	2

(Source: Trading Economics)

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