U.S. Delays Suing Europe over Ban on Modified Food

After bouts of mad cow disease and foot and mouth disease, many Europeans prefer not to take a chance with genetically modified food. For the past 4 years, the European Union has placed a ban on genetically modified food, a restriction that the US claims could lead to starvation in the developing world. Although US agricultural industries are pushing for acceptance of genetically modified food, others are asking: 'Should we value lower costs over 'naturally pure' foods?' Even on labeling of foods, Americans and Europeans are divided. US agricultural officials see labeling as a trade barrier, because of increased costs, while Europeans see it as a consumer right. Is there a way out of this impasse? – YaleGlobal

U.S. Delays Suing Europe over Ban on Modified Food

Elizabeth Becker
Thursday, February 13, 2003

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