Whatever Will Be Will Be Free on Internet
After Napster, the first Internet music sharing network, was closed down by the recording industry three years ago, people in the industry were expecting some peace, but they were wrong – new software such as KaZaA and Morpheus, even better designed, emerged and were soon on computers across the globe. Now the recording industry has decided to make individual file sharers its targets. This has heated up a new round of debate on the open sources online. While many people agree that pirated music should not be tolerated, others have different opinions. David Bowie, a famous actor, thinks that "copyright … will no longer exist in 10 years." Some experts in intellectual property rights have also started looking into possible plans to mediate this conflict. A Harvard law professor proposed an additional sales tax on Internet access and related products like MP3 players, but whether such proposals are feasible remain to be seen. – YaleGlobal
Whatever Will Be Will Be Free on Internet
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.
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