Where Are the Jobs? The Harsh Truth about Outsourcing
As the US struggles to deal with the political and economic fallout from the outsourcing of high-tech and manufacturing jobs overseas, many analysts have come down on all sides of the debate. Will America benefit in the end? Does the theory of "comparative advantage" hold true? Can the US find a niche that will allow it to replace the jobs lost and reverse wage declines? The answer, according to Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, is no. "Outsourcing", he writes "is driven by absolute advantage." The US cannot compete with lower wages elsewhere. Any wage decline in the US threatens upward mobility, pushes more people below the poverty line, and harms the tax base. The only answer possible to the outsourcing debate, Roberts continues, is to keep jobs on US soil. "With First World capital, technology, and business knowhow", he concludes, labor in China or India "can be just as productive as First World labor, but workers can be hired for much less money." Thus the myth that America will maintain a comparative advantage somewhere, somehow is gone – it no longer applies in today's world. – YaleGlobal
Where Are the Jobs? The Harsh Truth about Outsourcing
It's not a mutually beneficial trade practice -- it's outright labor arbitrage
Monday, March 15, 2004
Click here for the original article on Business Week's website.
Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration and a former BusinessWeek columnist.
Copyright 2004, by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. Reprinted from the March 22, 2004 issue of Business Week.
Well i dont think that this is the right question "Where are the jobs?", Why? because as for my opinion outsourcing open job opportunities for people and outsourcing helps them to have a job. Maybe some people are looking it negatively that is why they can say harsh things about outsourcing. They can't compete? but they also outsource and that is the truth. Many US businesses are outsourcing and we cant deny that and we cant avoid and refrain them from outsourcing because there is so many advantages. This is just my opinion though.
Yazmin Barajas, Marketing
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